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Data Collection

Data Collection program

A survey was carried out among fifteen inhabitants of a region. These data were collected from each inhabitant in order: age, sex (M or M), salary and number of children. Make a subroutine that reads this data by storing it in arrays. Create subroutines that receive these vectors as parameters and return the average salary among the inhabitants, the youngest and oldest age of the group and the number of women with three children who receive up to $500.00. Use a subroutine for each calculation.


Clone main branch from c-cpp-projects.

Access this folder on terminal:

  cd c-cpp-projects/c_exercises/data_collection

Run with GCC compiler

With GCC compiler installed run the following commands:

  1. Compile the cpp file:

    gcc data_collection.c -o execute -lm
  2. Run the execute compiled file:


Run with Docker

With Docker installed run the following commands:

  1. Build the container and images:

    docker build -t gcc-docker .
  2. Run the container with the built image gcc-docker:latest:

    docker run -it gcc-docker:latest


Code in C.

#include <stdio.h>

void le_dados();
float media();
int menor();
int maior();
int qtdade();

int vetorIdade[15];
char vetorSexo[15];
float vetorSalario[15];
int vetorFilhos[15];

int main(void)

    printf("\nAverage Salary:%.2f |", media());
    printf("Youngest Age: %d |", menor());
    printf("Oldest Age: %d\n", maior());
    printf("Womens with more than 3 children that receive up to $500,00: %d\n", qtdade());
    return 0;

void le_dados(){
    for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++){
        printf("\nType the age of n. %d\n", i);
        scanf("%d", &vetorIdade[i]);

        printf("\nType the gender of n. %d\n", i);
        scanf("%s", &vetorSexo[i]);

        printf("\nType the income of n. %d\n", i);
        scanf("%f", &vetorSalario[i]);

        printf("\nType the number of sons of n. %d\n", i);
        scanf("%d", &vetorFilhos[i]);

float media(){
    float sp = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++){
        sp += vetorSalario[i];
    return (sp/15);

int menor(){
    int menor = vetorIdade[0];
    for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++){
            menor = vetorIdade[i];
    return menor;

int maior(){
    int maior = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++){
            maior = vetorIdade[i];
    return maior;

int qtdade(){
    int mulheres = 0;

    for(int i = 0; i < 15; i++){
        if(vetorSexo[i]=='M' && vetorFilhos[i] == 3 && vetorSalario[i] <= 500){

    return mulheres;


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Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.