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Discount Calculation

Discount Calculation program

Make a program that receives:

  • Purchased product code;
  • Quantity purchased of a product;
  • Following the table, calculate and display in order:
  • Unit price of the product purchased following table above;
  • Total price of the note;
  • Discount amount, following the table 2 and applying it to the total price of the note
  • final price of the bill after the discount
  • Table One:

    Code Price
    1 to 10 $ 10,00
    11 to 20 $ 15,00
    21 to 30 $ 20,00
    31 to 40 $ 30,00
  • Table Two:

    Note total price Discount (%)
    Until $ 249,99 5%
    Between $ 250,00 and $ 499,99 10%
    Above $ 500,00 15%


Clone main branch from c-cpp-projects.

Access this folder on terminal:

  cd c-cpp-projects/c_exercises/discount_calculation

Run with GCC compiler

With GCC compiler installed run the following commands:

  1. Compile the cpp file:

    gcc discount_calculation.cpp -o execute -lm
  2. Run the execute compiled file:


Run with Docker

With Docker installed run the following commands:

  1. Build the container and images:

    docker build -t gcc-docker .
  2. Run the container with the built image gcc-docker:latest:

    docker run -it gcc-docker:latest


Code in C.

#include <stdio.h>

int main(void)
 int product_code, product_amount;
 float unit_price, total_price,final_price, discount;
 while(product_code < 1 || product_code > 40){
  printf("\nProduct Code (1 to 40):\n");
  scanf("%d", &product_code);
 printf("\nProduct Amount:\n");
 scanf("%d", &product_amount);

 if (product_code >=1 && product_code <=10){
  unit_price = 10.00;
  total_price = product_amount * 10.00;
   if (total_price <= 249.99){
    discount = total_price * 5/100;
    final_price = total_price -  discount;
   else if (total_price >= 250.00 || total_price <= 499.99){
    discount = total_price * 10/100;
    final_price = total_price -  discount;
   else if (total_price >= 500.00){
    discount = total_price * 15/100;
    final_price = total_price -  discount;

 } else if (product_code >=11 && product_code <=20){
  unit_price = 15.00;
  total_price = product_amount * 15.00;
   if (total_price <= 249.99){
    discount = total_price * 5/100;
    final_price = total_price -  discount;
   else if (total_price >= 250.00 && total_price <= 499.99){
    discount = total_price * 10/100;
    final_price = total_price -  discount;
   else if (total_price >= 500.00){
    discount = total_price * 15/100;
    final_price = total_price -  discount;
 } else if (product_code >=  21 && product_code <= 30 ){
  unit_price = 20.00;
  total_price = product_amount * 20.00;
   if (total_price <= 249.99){
    discount = total_price * 5/100;
    final_price = total_price -  discount;
   else if (total_price >= 250.00 && total_price <= 499.99){
    discount = total_price * 10/100;
    final_price = total_price -  discount;
   else if (total_price >= 500.00){
    discount = total_price * 15/100;
    final_price = total_price -  discount;
 } else if (product_code >= 31 && product_code <= 40){
  unit_price = 30.00;
  total_price = product_amount * 30.00;
   if (total_price <= 249.99){
    discount = total_price * 5/100;
    final_price = total_price -  discount;
   else if (total_price >= 250.00 && total_price <= 499.99){
    discount = total_price * 10/100;
    final_price = total_price -  discount;
   else if (total_price >= 500.00){
    discount = total_price * 15/100;
    final_price = total_price -  discount;

 printf("\nUnit Price:\n$%.2f", unit_price);
 printf("\nTotal Price:\n$%.2f", total_price);
 printf("\nDiscount:\n$%.2f", discount);
 printf("\nFinal Price:\n$%.2f\n", final_price);



Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.