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Gratification program

A company decided to give a Christmas bonus to its employees, based on the number of overtime hours and the number of hours the employee was absent from work. The prize amount is obtained by querying the following table. Show the final gratuity.

H = ( number of overtime hours ) - ( 3/4 * (number of absent hours) )
H Gratificaiton
Until 600 $100,00
601 to 1200 $200,00
1201 to 1800 $300,00
1801 to 2400 $400,00
Above 2400 $500,00


Clone main branch from c-cpp-projects.

Access this folder on terminal:

  cd c-cpp-projects/c_exercises/gratification

Run with GCC compiler

With GCC compiler installed run the following commands:

  1. Compile the cpp file:

    gcc gratification.cpp -o execute -lm
  2. Run the execute compiled file:


Run with Docker

With Docker installed run the following commands:

  1. Build the container and images:

    docker build -t gcc-docker .
  2. Run the container with the built image gcc-docker:latest:

    docker run -it gcc-docker:latest


Code in C.

int main (void)
 int overtime, absent, H;

 printf("\nType overtime hours:\n");
 scanf("%d", &overtime);
 printf("\nType absent hours:\n");
 scanf("%d", &absent);

 H = overtime - ((3 * absent)/4);

 if (H <= 600)
  printf("\nGratification: $100.00\n");
 else if (H >= 601 && H <= 1200)
  printf("\nGratification: $200.00\n");
 else if (H >= 1201 && H <= 1800)
  printf("\nGratification: $300.00\n");
 else if (H >= 1801 && H <= 2400)
  printf("\nGratification: $400.00\n");
 else if (H >= 2400 )
  printf("\nGratification: $500.00\n");


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.