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Tic Tac Toe

Tic Tac Toe program

Create a matrix to store the tic-tac-toe board. Write a program that allows you to interact with 2 players, reading their moves and displaying only the final situation on the board on the screen. The match will be held between the 2 players, and the program will only have the functions of:

  • Read each player's move. Example: Play in position 1 1 (Line 1, Column 1);
  • Check if the move is valid: we cannot play in a position where a piece has already been placed or they are off the board, if the move is invalid it is necessary to print "Error\n";
  • Check if the game is over, that is, if there is a winner (someone completed a row, column or diagonal) or if the entire board was filled and there were no winners (Tie). If there is a winner, it is necessary to print which player was the winner, on the bottom line, where the sequence of symbols that led to the victory is (Ex: "Line 0", "Column 2") and finally, the board situation .


Clone main branch from c-cpp-projects.

Access this folder on terminal:

  cd c-cpp-projects/c_exercises/tic_tac_toe

Run with GCC compiler

With GCC compiler installed run the following commands:

  1. Compile the cpp file:

    gcc tic_tac_toe.cpp -o execute -lm
  2. Run the execute compiled file:


Run with Docker

With Docker installed run the following commands:

  1. Build the container and images:

    docker build -t gcc-docker .
  2. Run the container with the built image gcc-docker:latest:

    docker run -it gcc-docker:latest


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.