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Architecture Overview


How I used Docker in this project:


Each service represent a container in execution. PhpMyAdmin, www and MySQL are the services showed inside the Docker Host. PhpMyAdmin is the only service that can be accessed from outside the Docker Host. All services, PhpMyAdmin, www and MySQL are bounded by a link. The images that were created to stablish the services PhpMyAdmin and MySQL are located inside of each container.The service of MySQL use a volume to store all data bases, as the www use a volume to store CE content.

SQL Database

CE Database: Entity relationship diagram

    user <--> Category
    Category <--> Product
    user : +int id
    user : +String email
    user : +String password
    user : +String user_firstname
    user : +String user_secondname
    user : +String business_name
    user : +String business_legal_regime
    user : +String Business_description
    user : +primary_key(id)
    class Category{
      +int id
      +String name
      +int id_user
    class Product{
      +int id
      +String product_name
      +int minimum_stock
      +int current_stock
      +String product_description
      +String product_location
      +String product_code
      +int category

In this schema, user table stores information about the app user and the business that he/she runs. Each user creates new categories, which are stored in category table, and each category has products, which are stored in product table.