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Book Tracker Challenge

Technologies Used

Database and Hosting
  • ejs - Embbed JavaScript templating


This app is built in Docker, make sure you have this installed before run it.

Clone main branch from book tracker challenge repo.


Access book-tracker-challenge folder:

cd book-tracker-challenge

How to run the app:

Build App's Image
# builds the image-based container
docker build . -t user/node-web-app # tagging to identify the registry
Run Container's App
# run on local port 3000
docker run -p 3000:3000 -d user/node-web-app
# output will be container id

Access your web browser in: http://localhost:3000/

To end container execution, copy the container id outputted by the docker run command and run the following:

Kill Container
# kill container execution
docker kill <container id>

If you want to make sure that the container execution stopped, run the following:

Curl App
# curl localhost on app's port
curl -i localhost:3000

Output should be something like this:

Curl Output
curl: (7) Failed to connect to localhost port 3000 after 17 ms: Connection refused


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.