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App API endpoints

To test this app Rest API in local development environment, you can download postman and import the collection from postman-collection.json file of backend branch.

You need also to create a postman environment with the following variables:

  • url: localhost:3000, port set in .env file.
  • auth: leave empty, this will be filled when you login or create a user.

End-point: Create User

This request aims to Create an user, it does the following:

  • receives name, email, password and age;
  • creates an user in DB;
  • generates an authentication token (JSONWebToken).

Create User Method: POST


Create User Body (raw)

    "name": "<your-name>",
    "password": "<your-password>",
    "email": "<your-email>",
    "age": "<your-age>"

🔑 Create User Authentication: noauth

Param value Type

End-point: Login User

This request aims to Login an user, it does the following:

  • authenticates by email and password;
  • generates an authentication token (JSONWebToken).

Login Method: POST


Login Body (raw)

    "email": "<your-email>",
    "password": "<your-password>"

🔑 Login Authentication: noauth

Param value Type

End-point: Logout User

This request aims to Logout the current authenticated user, it does the following:

  • authenticates by user by id, coming from the current authentication token;
  • deletes the current authentication token (JSONWebToken).

Logout Method: POST


End-point: Logout All User

This request aims to Logout the current user from all sessions, it does the following:

  • authenticates by user id, coming from the current authentication token;
  • deletes all authentication tokens from this user (JSONWebToken).

Logout All Method: POST


End-point: Create Task

This request aims to Create an task, it does the following:

  • authenticates the current user;
  • receives description and completed(saves false by default if not set) values;
  • creates and save task in DB, with the user ID.

Create Task Method: POST


Create Task Body (raw)

    "description": "<task-description>",
    "completed": "false"

Create Task Headers

Content-Type Value
Authorization Bearer <token>

End-point: Read User Profile

This request aims to fetch the current authenticated user data, it returns the following:

authenticated user data (except sensitive information, such as: avatar, password and auth token(s)).

Read User Method: GET


Read User Headers

Content-Type Value
Authorization Bearer <token>

End-point: Read User By Id

This request aims to fetch user data by user id, it returns the following;

user data by id (except sensitive information, such as: avatar, password and auth token(s)).

Read User Id Method: GET


End-point: Read Tasks

This request aims to fetch all tasks from the current authenticated user. It can also be filtered by completed value.

Read Tasks Method: GET


Read Tasks Query Params

Param value
limit 3
skip 0
completed false:asc

End-point: Read Task By Id

This request aims to fetch user tasks by task id.

Read Task Id Method: GET


End-point: Update User

This request aims to Update the current authenticated user, it does the following:

  • receives name, email, password and age (all optional);
  • updates the current authenticated user in DB.

Update User Method: PATCH


Update User Body (raw)

    "name": "<update-user-name>",
    "email":"<update-user-name>" ,
    "password": "<update-user-password>",
    "age": "<update-user-age>"

End-point: Update Task

This request aims to Update the current authenticated user task by id, it does the following:

  • receives description and completed (all optional), also task id;
  • updates the task of the current authenticated user in DB.

Update Task Method: PATCH


Update Task Body (raw)

    "description": "<new task description>",
    "completed": "false"

End-point: Delete User

This request aims to delete the current authenticated user, it returns the following:

authenticated user deleted data (except for sensitive information, such as: avatar, password and auth token(s)).

Delete User Method: DELETE


End-point: Delete Task

This request aims to delete a task by task id, it returns the following:

deleted task data.

Delete Task Method: DELETE


End-point: Upload User Avatar

This request aims to upload current authenticated user avatar image icon, it only accepts .jpeg, .jpg and .png file extensions, also file size limit is up to 1 MB. It saves the file binary data into DB.

Upload Avatar Method: POST


Upload Avatar Body Form Data

Param value Type
avatar <uploaded-file> file

End-point: Delete User Avatar

This request aims to delete current authenticated user avatar icon image.

Delete Avatar Method: DELETE


End-point: Get User Avatar

This request aims to fetch current authenticated user avatar image icon.

Get Avatar Method: GET



This documentation refers only to backend branch, that's because main branch version renders html content in the response, not an object.